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02/14/22 12:43 PM

#54610 RE: zugisland #54609

I like the pretty red stamp on it.


02/15/22 9:10 AM

#54611 RE: zugisland #54609

Lmao... I absolutely can

They're incompetence alone is reason enough to believe it.

They have no one doing anything and certainly no one to steward clean up efforts.

They have never been good at cleaning up their messes, and they are blind to bad optics of leaving it up and are clueless to how dumb it is to leave up an endorsement from a bs company that only existed to rip off pred and swindle them off millions. I bet the folks behind dablood get a good kick out of it as well lol

Did I mention incompetence? How about a total dereliction of duty by officers of the company, everyone at the company for that matter, to ensure their image is of the best light.

Is very believable these stains still have that on their site. They are the most detached, clueless, uncaring, lazy, pieces of shit that I've personally witnessed in companies I've been involved with, both as an investor or as an internal "key stakeholder". One or two bad apples, sure, but an entire senior management team and board of directors? No other company comes closer than the distance between our dear Earth and the sun to how bad they are. Predictive is the worst, and that's not even strong enough language to show just how bad they truly are.

The entire lot of them should be investigated and tossed in jail.