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02/11/22 5:37 PM

#2095 RE: harry crumb #2094

That's great advice and I do that with some of my stocks. Like BBI^G and some others but to be honest I am scared to death to do that with SLS and a few others I own. Not trying to spam anyone here fyi. And have done well with some. But over the last few years trading as I am learning I have seen a few Biotech stocks get FDA approval and seen stocks jump up 1000's percent in one day and have often wished I had been a part of one of those. I'm probably wrong but I feel like SLS has that potential after all the DD I have done on it. Especially with such a low float. Every dollar SLS goes up it will only raise the Market Cap 16 million $'s. I have 3 stocks that I am really excited about and scared to death of missing the big run up and SLS is one of those 3 ;). If I got caught up flipping, I would be soooo mad at myself lol. One stock I have held for over 4 years now and haven't flipped any. And believe me when I say I am a fool because I could have had so many free shares by now. Ugh, a lot of failures I have had over the short 5 years of my trading. But still it has been a wonderful learning experience and somehow, I am still way ahead of what I started out with. I am a minnow in an ocean of traders and my goal is to get to 1000 shares of SLS. I have 600 now and hopefully I can get there before GPS is FDA approved or before SLS is bought out by a HUGE pharma company. Either way I hope we all do well here and 2022 is our year. Best of luck to you harry crumb and have a great weekend :)