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02/11/22 10:42 AM

#203305 RE: Grip it and Sip It #203302

~12 FDA employees prepared and reviewed the FDA Statement -- no name required -- it was an Agency wide document unanimously agreed to and is still publicly posted on their website.

It identifies Cytodyn's misrepresentation and manipulation of their CoV clinical data. The company falsely claimed they reached the CD10 NEWS2 endpoint -- it didn't and the company manipulated the p-value to claim they did. That alone is illegal -- filing false clinical data. The CD12 failed to met ANY endpoint including the post-hoc data dredged critical subgroup that the company has falsely claimed. The SEC repeatedly told the company to stop claiming this inaccurate information.

This illegal activity is not the primary focus of the SEC and DOJ investigation. It will have significant consequence to the company and shareholders.