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02/10/22 3:40 PM

#14787 RE: Daxtech #14786

No idea. Agreed tho, the waiting game here for something substantial to finally come has been long. Yea the March timeline will be interesting to see what shakes out in relation to that. I've mainly been playing the chart jumping in and out here, but if they have a feasible bio card to roll out, several card makers will take notice IMO. Could be on the cusp, I'm gonna hold this go around for several months just in case.


02/10/22 4:24 PM

#14788 RE: Daxtech #14786

Listen, there'll be no approval by any global company because smme doesn't have a working card... We have been down this path several times before. Every other bio card maker announced right away the name of card company they are working with. But not smme. No, they never announce anything that can be checked. Several years ago they announced they'd sold the security card to some big university in South America. We waited and waited for the name and how many cards they'd ordered.. Never came. We're going through the same thing here once again.
This spike in price is a flash in the pan that we have seen before and a chance for those in power to offload.
As someone here keeps saying do your DD because if you do you'll run a mile from this outfit.