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02/07/22 4:22 PM

#29572 RE: DDA #29571

Many, almost everyone, including myself made tons of noise last year on cancelling R/S. Not only you! Guess what, TDS listened and plus whatever changes happened recently that influenced them to cancel decision - I assume it has to do with merger.

TDS has repeated multiple times on Twitter it is being cancelled, mgmt, their lawyers, advisors, and statisticians ALL agree on cancelling R/S. What don’t you understand? Can’t read between the lines bud??? I guess NOT.

That is why the price went from 8 cents to over 40 cents in a couple weeks.

Waiting on official announcement after DE and COGS!

TDS even noted they have been advised to wait on PR until after COGS by their SEC lawyers!!! I’m sure this will be followed by a slew of PRs on other business news.

The Sky is the Limit.

I just shake my head reading your non-sensical, illogical comments.

Just as I am disputing you here, many are disputing you and one or two others on Twitter including TDS!

As a long term investor, I know it takes patience to make big profits when you truly believe in a company. Unfortunately, it’s the impatient ones that usually lose their shirts since one, they likely shouldn’t be investing money that they can’t afford to lose, and two, they clearly cannot grasp market sentiment or a company’s position and take illogical views.