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02/07/22 11:22 AM

#71794 RE: backtoreality #71725

A class half full,a class half empty, I don't need to learn anything when it comes to trading OTC stocks, I have been trading them for a long time, probably since back when you spent most of your mornings running around in pajamas, I have made some big profits in them, and have lost on them as well, more than I rather like to remember like many others have, at times they become unbalanced between buyers and sellers after long down trends, who are at times nothing but front loader manipulators that create a buzz on social media OTC trading blogs that something could be coming that gets chasers excited, and of course at the same time the SOB's are unloading all the way until the chasers dry up, and an unbalance amount of sellers that still have profits hit the bid and run for the hills, making the charts look like a PD.
Is it worth keeping an eye on, perhaps if all the sellers get washed out and buyers jump back in and start loading up again on some kind of something, but have seen it too many times in the past when these kind of stocks have that kind of a pump run up, those who don't get out in the first two days end up getting stuck in a selloff and grind lower bag, you can bet the criminal OTC MM's we're licking their chops as they were probably shorting the top big time.
If that app exists, would not mind checking it out, to see how well it performs.