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The Dark KnaDDir

02/04/22 1:57 PM

#202586 RE: jimmy667 #202584

No need to seize Nader's or Cytodyn's computers. Amarex gave up Nader on a platter when they released the email.

3X Charm

02/04/22 3:48 PM

#202605 RE: jimmy667 #202584

Please explain the heading SEC and DOJ investigations in the 10Q and that information was subpoenaed and officers interviewed regarding statements made and possible implications regarding the company’ s financial condition regarding the actions of SEC and DOJ in the matter at hand?

Makes no sense to be included in SEC filing otherwise. How do we know the computers were not taken? We don’t know that.

How is it that Naders crew believe company issued PR regarding “data mined success “ of CD 12 trial which was publicly and embarrassingly REBUKED by the FDA ( as well as CYDY SEC filings), but do not believe what is stated in the company’s own SEC filings regarding SEC and DOJ investigations?

This is going to be fun when the hammer comes down or should I say gavel!!!!!!!

Scooter McCabe

02/04/22 4:02 PM

#202609 RE: jimmy667 #202584

They don't need to seize computers if they know where they are looking. Andrew Left was known for committing fraud and being relatively sophisticated. So seizing his computers was deemed appropriate because of how he could be committing crimes possibly. Also seizures occur when the destruction of evidence is expected.

Jump over to CYTODYN. Nader is no sophisticated. We can see from the embarrassing Amarex emails he is not very smart about keeping his fraud relatively secret. DOJ just needs access to their servers and communications. If people coming forward have told the DOJ where evidence can be found the need to do a full forensic search isn't needed.

Most importantly CYDY could be downplaying things and left out the fact computers and documents were seized.


02/04/22 6:42 PM

#202618 RE: jimmy667 #202584

There is an investigation by DOJ involving 60 trading firms Citron seems to be top target. He computers were seized. 99.9 chance he will serve a mandatory prison sentence. CytoDyn is not a trading firm so not one of the 60 but they were a top short and distort target of A. Left's Citron.
Ok I will leave to to the reader's to do their own deductions of this evidence. So Nader stock selling looked bad and in fact could have been motivated by improper however it could also have been perfectly legal and protected by following SEC Securities Regulations and forward looking statements. In other words afforded Safe Harbor protection. No safe harbor for outsiders who illegally conspire to manipulate stocks for personal gain, motivated by hate or financial terrorism.
DOJ has gotten a handle on these mass prosecutions that threaten National Security like the Capital Hill takeover riot. Mass manipulation of the Financial Markets are no less a threat to National Security.
Those with some involvement in this bragged about crime from June 30 2020 or connected in any way to the short sellers currently the target of this international dragnet might think about cooperation with the DOJ to lessen possible penalties. These crimes have mandatory prison sentences meaning the Judge has no choice but to issue prison sentences. No probation. The only way out is full cooperation with FBI and Federal Prosecutors.
Sorry to spoil anyone's fantasy about CytoDyn being the target.


02/05/22 1:49 AM

#202635 RE: jimmy667 #202584

30 firms, 60 firms, SEC/DOJ gathering computers, I wonder WHO ELSE will be sharing their computer(s) with the folks in black. Sounds like the reaper's been to CytoDyn >> BUT - AS ALREADY NOTED - CYTODYN'S COMPUTERS ARE STILL IN PLACE...also...NO COMPUTERS BELONGING TO CYTODYN LEADERSHIP BEING SEIZED.


Just like the credit card ad...

"What's in your wallet?"

But scratch wallet replace with >> computer/communications?

Been a lot of (what appears to be organized [IMO]) assault on CytoDyn - basically to stop its amazing drug Leronlimab from gaining traction.

Took a while, but the reaper is reaping...

So, what will those 0's and 1's say about folks to the DOJ?

It's been a long time coming, but 'bout time!

Maybe NOW CytoDyn can get down to saving lives...bit of a late start...already TOO LATE FOR 924,530 SOULS [Worldometer]

(A BIG question remains: Who pays the price for the 924,530? Probably in the next chapter.)

Guess we'll see the tire tracks after the bus goes by...