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02/02/22 12:15 PM

#124276 RE: darron427 #124272

A Christians primary purpose is giving people the gospel of Christ.
Now I am an American and stand for liberty and freedom. But it is going to fail, not my words, but God's word. Judgement is coming. Get in the bible (KJV), and especially in this age of grace, the Pauline epistles. Also to see what is coming in short form Matt 24-25. It's a comin'
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crazy horse 0

02/02/22 1:46 PM

#124314 RE: darron427 #124272

"If our forefathers had been like so called Christians today, the British would have never been forced out the first time. America was founded by Europeans claiming to be under religious oppression , over taxation and many from being practical slaves of the Globalist British Empire. We're in the exact same boat right now. What's the difference? Christians have lost their balls. They don't even know what they believe and they won't fight for it nor do they have the balls to stand up against the onslaught of attacks happening by our own imported Gov't and their Globalist money backing theives. "

Well put IMO The last good Vatican POPE was the Polish one IMO

I mean Christians if there are any left with any backbone of our forefathers. They've become completely complacent and beat down. They're surrendered their own Gov't, Schools and soon their churches also if this Gov't keeps going in the way it is right now..

Protestant Christianity is failing fast and in many parts are being slaughtered like helpless sheep while our own Gov't sits on it's ass and kisses the asses of their sponsors.

Even in our own country they claim to be Christians and westerners but they protect everyone BUT Christians and our own people under the design of globalist diverisity and screams of racism..

They have completely punked out Christians who do nothing but go to Church on Sunday , sit on their fat behinds and play dead until the next service.

If our forefathers had been like so called Christians today, the British would have never been forced out the first time. America was founded by Europeans claiming to be under religious oppression , over taxation and many from being practical slaves of the Globalist British Empire. We're in the exact same boat right now. What's the difference? Christians have lost their balls. They don't even know what they believe and they won't fight for it nor do they have the balls to stand up against the onslaught of attacks happening by our own imported Gov't and their Globalist money backing theives.

They let these people Rape this country over , stealing from us, mounting up debt that no sane person could believe is even possible while doing God knows what with trillions of dollars that we see little benefit from..

We're fattening the pockets of the Globalist Federal reserve and the world at the Cost and expense of our own Homeless populations while sacrificing our own culture and history.. God has to be ashamed. I would be and I'm not any where close to what he expects.