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01/27/22 5:43 PM

#201696 RE: Emergcy #201694

You are correct. Nodder had only nodder fulfillment on his mind. He knew how to lie,deny, then justify any failure. Lots via his 11 paid PR pumper firms. You notice many now gone. Others will run as their pay is cutoff.

The remnants are the 1s susceptible to cult brainwash. Posting in a daze about "dear leader" and how this is all part of nodder masterplan. He threw himself on the sacrificial fire(d) for the benefit of the company. Already a grand partnership in place that could only be consummated with "dear leader" no longer the CEO.
Sorta gets to sound like some of the 6 JAN Q shaman twist and turn logic to explain things.
Bizarre beliefs and denial of FACTS by some--even from the medical community/ very well educated put under some "spell" by "dear leader".
Kelly will stay and try to use company resources (read Sidley) as long as possible (as a reward for his vote to oust "dear leader") BUT if the SEC charges kelly--he too will be removed and left to fend his own legal battle.
But yes--kelly is VERY much part of the wasted years, the FRAUD, and the incompetence. He should have been removed yesterday but things are still churning.


01/27/22 6:21 PM

#201700 RE: Emergcy #201694

I hear your frustration, Emergcy. I've been invested since March 2020, so I'm coming up on two years and, unfortunately, an ugly SP decline.

But I'm not going to sell. Not to take management off the hook, but since I'm not a business guy, since I don't know what really went on in those Vancouver halls, I can't fairly judge NP's reign.

However, after doing a lot of research into our government's response to COVID 19 - after being dumbfounded by their active suppression of safe and effective therapeutics and witnessing how worthless/dangerous big pharma drugs get quickly approved - I'm fairly convinced we could have put the Tom Brady of CEO's in charge, and we'd be in the same boat re: approvals.

I don't know what it will take to smash the FDA/CDC/NIH corruption - hearing Fauci announce a series of vaccines for 6 month old babies gives me little hope - but if there's one drug that can soar, it's Leronlimab. I don't want a buyout, not yet, but I do hope we get a strong partner for an indication like NASH. I really despise Pfizer and all the rest, but a BP may be the only way in.

Regardless, always enjoy your posts. Good luck!


01/27/22 6:43 PM

#201705 RE: Emergcy #201694

The drug is great, the opportunities countless

On your above statement I agree.............!!

I am tired of looking in the rear view mirror....and
tend to look forward to where we are going........
NP is now gone.....but the DOG KICKING keeps
on going on !!!! We need to give it a break !!!

Leronlimab is a MIRACLE DRUG.............!!

We are getting closer to getting an approval........



01/27/22 7:40 PM

#201711 RE: Emergcy #201694


You’ve been a passionate supporter of Leronlimab for years..And..continue to be so..!!!

Your frustration comes through your post..!!!


The very indications you possible approvals..are here now..!!!

The magnificence of Leronlimab will be unfolded first in Brazil..within 6 weeks time..!!!

No if’s or buts about it..PERIOD..!!!

Covid is not going away with Omicron..No matter what the talking heads say..!!!


CD16.. CD17.. Will give us our best chance of proving the efficacy of Leronlimab in Covid..!!!

Leronlimab is being it was given in our EIND patients (IV even better).. and you saw the spectacular results there..!!!

6 weeks brother..Hold on..!!!

The World will come to CYDY..!!!

Leronlimab strong..CYDY long..!!!

3X Charm

01/27/22 7:57 PM

#201717 RE: Emergcy #201694

Clearly the SEC and DOJ investigations are heating up…Nader had to go. Kelly will be gone in 90 days. The new CEO will have to be someone who does not “ need the job” and it will costs lots and lots of shares.

Funny Kelly said he looked a over year ago and couldn’t find an economical replacement CEO. That was rubbish relative to having Nader at the company an additional 18 months. The runway for survival, let alone success, is appreciably shorter sue to the dumpster fire of financial obligations Nader left in his wake.