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Big Tom7

01/25/22 6:33 PM

#387489 RE: Coondingy #387488

Hopefully it's promising. I can't imagine the govt handing out compassionate use authorization to companies that are not legit.


01/25/22 9:42 PM

#387492 RE: Coondingy #387488

I have to believe that Leo has finally realized he can't do it alone. IPIX will need some heavy lifting by another company to get Brilacidin off the ground.

Not saying he has to partner the whole platform, but get a decent use authorized so it can become widely accepted. Get some dough coming in for the first commercial authorization by the FDA and keep the government stoking the fires of further broad spectrum viral and biological invetigations.

Never forget getting Brilacidin widely investigated and known throughout the medical industry many of us thought was the prime reason B was thrust into the Covid conversation. The other opportunities offered by the recent trial was icing on the cake and still not kaput until we here what the CU results showed (and I think they will show B did very well against the virus).

Now that the world knows vaccines aren't going to end the Covid problem and a very good therapeutic(s) will be needed B is in play to a greater degree than ever IMO and the only thing holding us back is the deep pockets and governmental palm greasing that a heavy hitting partner could provide.