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01/23/22 10:01 PM

#44317 RE: Chuckwgn #44304

Coal needs carbon capture to survive for a few more years...

FCEL also provides a transition period for coal infrastructure.


01/24/22 3:49 AM

#44320 RE: Chuckwgn #44304

I see Manchin totally differently and I have followed his views for a long time.

People claim that they do not know what he wants regarding climate/energy and that he changes his view. Others feel that they can speak for him, and this gets reported in the media as his views. In fact, he spelled out his desires very clearly in a very brief bullet point agreement, signed by himself and Chuck Schumer. In that he said that he wanted hydrogen and CCS to have a prominent role, and that he wanted "sole jurisdiction" of the energy/climate part of BBB, which is not unreasonable since he is the chairman of the Energy committee. He was never given anything close to that, only the chance to sign on to a very solar/wind related bill written by others, although there is an increase in 45Q from $50 to $85 apparently.

If Manchin were allowed to have his wishes, he would have a separate bill which would be supported with enough Repubs to pass with hydrogen/ccs being the focus, similar to the infrastructure bill. The reason this is not allowed to happen so far is that Ds are basically holding hydrogen/ccs hostage, hoping that Manchin will cave on other issues, and that they can attach many other bills and still only need 50 votes. So, the reason ccs/hydrogen are being ignored is not the fault of Manchin, it is the exact opposite. Biden and Granholm and Kerry claim that they support CCS and Hydrogen but why have they not said anything in six months? Who is not being consistent?

Manchin is obviously a coal/gas guy, no doubt. But just as Exxon and others are pushing for ccs/hydrogen, so is he. It is others who talk about the 'dangers' of ccs who are not being honest.

p.s. Manchin has been consistent on other issues too, while many others have flipped their position (and will flip it again in November) but those are other issues.