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01/27/22 12:15 PM

#194 RE: chow5325 #193

It would be a complete waste of time, so is emailing them. They do not answer anything. They have not put out shareholder emails since March of 2021, coming up on a year. They have not filed financials fully since 2018. They will not be able to do anything with stock until their financials are up to date. They are intentionally sitting on their financials, knowing the massive debt will sink their supposed "stock" price.

We all "donated" money to this scam, not invested. They last extended their Reg A offering to January 31sr, 2022, which is very near. Watch, in a day or two, they will file to extend further; or, they will pull the plug.

Oh.....Peter Horvath, most current CEO, still listed on the HT website, is no longer with the company, according to his LinkedIn profile as of this month, January 2022. He was most recently associated with another unsuccessful cannabis venture, not a savior of companies. Another one bites the dust!

How the SEC has not cracked down on this scam is beyond me. How can they get away with putting on video and in writing that, "this is the final extension of the Reg A offering," and "we will be going public?" How can HT continue taking investor money, when the SEC says they must stop, unless it is not really theirs yet and is being held by the 3rd party custodian? If that is the case, it would seem the custodian could return the money. If not, and HT has received and spent the money, wouldn't that be a massive violation of the SEC's stop order?

Anyone more knowledgeable please post.


03/24/22 12:18 PM

#201 RE: chow5325 #193

I've sent multiple emails with no response. I also emailed the transfer agent listed on the website. She said they are no longer the agent and gave me the new one, but Hightimes is not even listed on their company list.