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01/19/22 3:00 PM

#387254 RE: noretreat #387244

Until recently I have not thought much about Leo and company's salaries, figuring the many opportunities for success would have it all come out in the wash. Not so sure now. Admittedly, I keep wondering "what if." For example, if $200,000 or so were spent each year to main a small lab with a couple of post docs (they are cheap, and good). No, I am not referring to contagion or other in vivo experiments, which call for more costly infrastructure, but a small lab that could review various treatment options, various in-vitro paths, co-therapies. etc. You either do this in your own lab, "rent" out others or don't really do it. Would this mean substituting hard, physical efforts/experiments for expert opinion. I just don't know.


01/19/22 6:20 PM

#387272 RE: noretreat #387244

Pass it to Dr. Menon first. Lol!