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02/03/07 6:28 PM

#8885 RE: Dr Bill #8883

I typically post here when . . .

people, MUCH like yourself, misrepresent, or rather pervert, the TRUTH about what others, MUCH like me, say!

With regard to a reply by you to my ultra-specific post about that Robinson Reed, Inc. case, you insist:

"You DID say that there were shares printed and sold and you even admitted that you had no idea how many there were."

You also stated (what this has to do with the Robinson Reed case, I have no idea!):

"So, BBB, to follow up with your post on RB about how jim dial printed and sold shares."

What a farce! Get real, friend. I NEVER said that within this context, You dare take what I say OUT OF CONTEXT! All I stated IN CONTEXT was that the Robinson Reed case -- given all of the available information about that company -- is that that New York Civil Supreme court case LIKELY involves a private issue of shares, which were LIKELY given as some security pledge for some undisclosed amount of borrowed money. I further said IN CONTEXT that the shares are LIKELY held in escrow. Remember, it is a discussion thread about the Robinson Reed case, yet dare you bring into this discussion thread something I did NOT say regarding that case?

You said -- quite emphatically, I might add -- that I freely admitted that Dial was printing and selling shares (again, we were actually discussing that Robinson Reed case). In other words, what you were stating quite emphaticdally was that I admitted something I NEVER ONCE ADMITTED!

Now, I did admit once before that I had no earthly idea about how many shares there in fact were (it was some time ago, and it had NO regard to a discussion thread for the Robision Reed case, which is what I actually thought started this thread). The ONLY thing I ever stated with any regard to a new issuance of shares -- which has absolutely NOTHING to do with the Robison Reed case -- is the FACT that Dial did issue 56.5 million shares as a security pledge for their acquisition of some oil and gas leases, BUT these shares are NOT out in the open market, and these shares are to be retired once they complete the acquisition of these properties. It's in the 14A.
