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01/18/22 1:11 AM

#1789 RE: NobleRoman #1788

I don't know if the motivations work the same or similar here, but the point being is that they remain motivated to this day in my previous experience. So interesting. Something similar, or not, could be motivating our YBCN investors behind the scenes as well.

For instance, right now, she's askign me: "Since you went direct to US... You don't have sponsor. Yeah?

Correct. I have no sponsor. In her eyes, this is a weakness. In my eyes, which I haven't revealed all, I made $35,000 profit if I recall correctly. Because unlike her, I was not burdened with any restrictions. I had freely tradeable shares on the US stock exchange, which they are trying so hard to get to. The irony of it all...

Except, I dont' get the dinners and the games and the -- Oh, man. I see her point. I have no sponsor. :( Maybe she can be my sponsor?

Could their "TruBinary" be like our ZeroSum in some respects? I don't know...

Wait, WHAT????? She is telling me now, if I understand her correctly, that she DID make a lot of money:

We joined since 2017...we collected 1.3millions of shares... We sold last 2019, coz we bought house and lot, SUV, and some payable up to ?6millions....and until now these Pandemic time... We are selling depending on the amt.we want... So u can see how we really appreciated the kindness as ND sincerity of the company.... How much more if they finish everything their listing with SGX. PRAYING TO BE DONE EARLY. 2ND QUARTER OF 2022.GOD WILLING

Actually, that makes me happy if she made money. I was feeling sorry for her yesterday. She may be underwater, but she already made money. Well, screw her! I'm not sorry for her anymore! No more tears for her.

Yep, she's confirming now that she did make lots of money. Oh my God! So, I guess she made it on their "internal" market. Has to some losers. Somebody had to lose for her to win if their stock crashed.

She just said:

Not only me... We are so many Soto speak...
That's why am very confident in helping other shareholders to patiently wait...

Ohhh, so I'm talking to one of the motivators. No wonder she has such a good attitude. I need to talk to the burned victims. Err, I'll have to sneak away to the restroom shortly, see if I can get a glipse of where she's keeping her disciples. She's one of the early ones. I'm glad they are still trucking over there. That means, it NEVER ends. It just looks like it on my end of things on our stock exchange. But they are moving to the Singapore Exchange. Fascinating! This is like a novel!

I bet ours unfolds just as interesting. If not more interesting...Just a hunch...

Oh,she has more. Now she's saying:

We have nothing to loose here... Just learn the business...
Remember when you joined... You bought a package... Then... You have the products... See???

Well, I guess I'm the loser then because I have no sponsor. I don't get no meals. No packages. No internal and external exchangess. #$@%! Now it's time for her to cry for me. I'm going to have like I need help so she can bring me into the flock. I need to see more! What is she hiding in there?

Oh crap. I opened my mouth. She has answer for that. She said,

Choose me now as your sponsor. It's never too late

And that's how you get sucked in. And that's how our group is going to grow too, in some similar fashion I bet. I bet get out of here fast before she calls a Wendy type in to close the deal.