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01/14/22 10:12 PM

#302070 RE: gumzsa #302069

You can't transfer anything but Listed stocks

to a new brokerage account...

So that adds to problem, but you

should still be able to hold

expert market companies in

a Dormant account...

And just sell them off as

each one does a revival...

Market Makers set up the scammy

scenario to get more cheap shares...

So, there Will be revivals still...

Don't even bother with puts on

options because they barely move...

Try studying the Reverse ETFs with

2x and 3x leverage to trade over

2 to 3 day time frames as this

market steadily keeps selling off...

That 2, takes time to learn...

But the sharks have fleeced a

lot of sheep over last 2 years...

Which isn't good for market...

Nasty stocks are for shorting against

on pops with reverse etfs...

So we watch...LJ


01/15/22 1:16 PM

#302071 RE: gumzsa #302069

Had to go thru that same crap

a few years back...

Dormant for me, meant online

access was terminated...

Had to call in a few years later

to have a revival play sold...

It was the only pinky that

wasn't able to be sold off

back then...

Times have changed, and many

companies can't be or aren't

worth selling off now...

So the unsold companies owned

should be held in basically

a Dormant account that would

only allow call in selling...

Lawsuit seems very possible if

a broker dumped any of your

expert market companies held

without prior consent from you...

SCO, in week ahead, has a set up

for possible pop...

So we watch...LJ


01/16/22 11:05 AM

#302072 RE: gumzsa #302069

Hey bud been a long time silent follower of yours and you've always had very sound trades...I want you to know you are not alone. OTC died before September, but even micro, small, mid caps have been destroyed since then...its been rough out there and I am down 75 percent from a year ago. Unless you were buying calls on AAPL,TSLA,NVDA,QQQ or SPY ( which logically was risky given what we know is actually going on in the world) every trade has been obliterated. But if we have a traders mind and breath in our lungs the cycles shall return...

Best of luck to you and your board this year...


01/16/22 11:56 PM

#302074 RE: gumzsa #302069

Brokers want people to gamble on Options

and not pinkies...

Spent a lot on losses last year

learning how to navigate options...

Options are bets and need to be

short traded on wins and to cut

losses before they grow...

Establishment guidance teaches betting

on an option further out in time...

Betting on the shortest time frame

lowers the entry cost and potential

loss on a bad bet...

Betting on cheaper options out of the

money is cheaper, but they don't move

as much as ITM or in the money options...

To play a weekly or monthly at end

of month, entering on Tuesday and

taking profits by Thursday generally

offers good returns on Correct Bets...

Here is an example for next week due

to timing and pricing set up...

SCO is a reverse ETF that moves

opposite of the oil price movement...

SCO shares can be traded without

trading any options...

Need to monitor oil price when trying

to decide on an entry or exit...

Best scenario for entry on Tuesday, is

with oil price opening flat or up...

And making an entry if oil price starts

to weaken any...

SCO option for 01/21/2022 expires

at market close on Friday...

Calendar favors the oil price to turn

down during the week with the February

due to expire around end of week...

Just as SCO monthly option reaches it's

cheapest pricing due to normal decay...

'Decay' is a loss of premium due to

time clicking down on a daily basis...

A small bet on $13 option is starting

point for learning the ropes...

ITM entry on $10 Call Option favors

best odds for positive movement...

Option contracts must be sold to

make or lose money...

Options are traded in 1 or more units...

1 option equals 100 shares...

10 options is x 100 or 1,000 shares...

You must by the share amount of

option bot if it expires in the money

at close on option expiration day...

10/21/2022 options expire Friday

when market closes...

SCO option could be entered sometime

on Tuesday when oil price starts

to fall or Wednesday...

And exits whenever profits are at

levels wanted or By Thursday afternoon...

Buying options with Cleared funds allows

selling options right after buying them

if profits magically appear...

Entries and exits can be made often

by people who like to trade...

Options trade on T -1 day and settle

the next day after selling...

A day quicker than equity trades...

If entries were with Cleared funds...

SDOW is reverse etf against Dow...

SPXU and SPXS are reverse etfs

against S and P 500 index...SPX

SQQQ is reverse etf against Nasdaq

100 index or NDX symbol...

All of the above reverse etfs are

leveraged at 3 times against movement...

Bet only what you can afford to lose...

Options are Bets and losses should

be minimized quickly on bad bets...

Hey, you can reenter and Bet again...

Option Bets aren't like betting

against pinky CEO dilutors...

Option Bets are against the Big

House Money...

Option Bets do offer potential

for Lotto payoffs if you get lucky...

So we watch...LJ


02/11/22 8:47 AM

#302110 RE: gumzsa #302069

Miss seeing you on the boards . Hope all is well Gumzsa and you make a triumphant return .


03/19/22 12:33 PM

#302142 RE: gumzsa #302069

All the high class crooked are in big board. I’m on the same boat and can understand your situation.


05/05/22 2:30 PM

#302155 RE: gumzsa #302069

Hope all is going better for you gumzsa! I feel like a lot of traders got screwed around last fall...there was a lot of money made over the last couple of years and I don't think that was well accepted by the "powers that be". They changed the game so now we all have to learn to play in the new arena. I'm just sittin' and waitin' for better times to arrive $$$$$ Good luck bud!


10/04/22 10:51 AM

#302167 RE: gumzsa #302069

nothing has changed yet pennystocks still in the doldrum only a select few move then it's just zzzz out there.


03/07/23 6:39 AM

#302188 RE: gumzsa #302069

Been over a year since you left. Man I miss your no BS commentary around here . Hope your doing well Gumzsa