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01/14/22 1:30 PM

#49601 RE: ApollyonZ #49600

$MSSV Global Stem Cells Group Announces An Agreement With ROKIT Healthcare

Rokit Healthcare does this primarily through the proliferation of a machine that they dub an ‘organ regenerator’– it looks like a 3D printer, but instead of using plastics to create things, they use cells and materials that will be safe to implant within the human body.

We’re extremely excited about this new opportunity and look forward to working with Rokit,” Says Benito Novas, CEO of the Global Stem Cells Group, “The Invivo 4D Printer is in a position to turn the practice of regenerative medicine onto its head, and we are planning on creating a training center in Cancun, Mexico exclusively to showcase and instruct other physicians in this cutting-edge technology,”

3D printer market

$3.93 Billion

4D printer market

$489.2 million


Snapdragon made a $240 Million investment in fullscript Canada, which is great but a drop compared to stem cells market.