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01/11/22 2:14 PM

#17248 RE: double_m #17246

Successful startups enter new, existing or hybrid markets with a new value proposition. They then immediately begin the interactive process of responding to the market’s reaction to their initial value proposition by adapting their value proposition until they find a true fit that meets actual market demand.

ALYI entered the nascent EV market in 2017 focused initially on battery technology. We learned the EV market was so early on that a component solution to a larger, but yet to be fully defined market was not viable. We adapted our value proposition to encompass the entire EV ecosystem.

We recognize taking on an entire ecosystem is seemingly a gargantuan undertaking for a startup. Accordingly, we designed a plan that can creatively tap into off balance sheet resources giving ALYI’s EV ecosystem business plan far greater potential than expected from a review of our financial statement. Surmounting gargantuan undertakings can lead to realizing gargantuan returns.

In 2021, many of the components of ALYI’s EV ecosystem plan transitioned from concept into tangible building blocks. ALYI’s EV ecosystem is now in the early stages of becoming a reality. Key contracts have been executed. Products have been produced, and revenue is being generated.


01/11/22 3:21 PM

#17256 RE: double_m #17246

This PR is the result of an ecosystem of false promises

the presentation is due tomorrow not today so what is this all about? Another missed promise? will there be something else tomorrow?

They have an ecosystem for everything including creating PRs given a minimum number of words required to be put out there.

there is nothing new here

With the order processing, ALYI anticipates reporting $2 million in revenue for 2021

Orders do not count as revenue for 2021, you have to have delivered them so a picture of c 1000 bikes on a dock would have helped.

That being said I hope it spurs a little bounce so I can get out (again). I was succered back in with the video they did and the clear explanation of the business teh CEO gave. The PR machine wasn't listening