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02/02/07 7:00 PM

#3769 RE: marazul #3768

As I mentioned, we have to give them a chance. At the moment we are in the dark. I have some shares - I'm a sucker for lotteries.

All I outlined was merely a way that it could make someone a few bucks in a sort of legal scam, well as legal as Uncle Sam and his multi-mllion dollar printing press.

Next week when the company has six billion shares outstanding, and you multipy that with whatever is the share price - that is how much it is signalling the company is worth. Now if it goes back to .0001. Well, you work it out.

What we have to see once we know what the company now owns and what its plans are is - are the assets and potential worth at least that.

When you swim in shark infested waters to reach treasure island, you have not to be surprised if you meet a few sharks.

Hold on to your dream, mon ami, and enjoy the swim - that shark just may be a dolphin.


02/03/07 7:43 PM

#3771 RE: marazul #3768

I don't know when you'll see this. I've been in Gwgo since Afica, and they didn't own 1 mine that produced. Nothing Gwgo has interest in has production or even close to production. They have nice pic's on the web site. I think our Ceo has been having meetings in the same pub as cmkx and sjlb... 800 million is a number Gwgo threw out in the wild... there doesn't seem to be any data to back it up. Of course that's how Sljb claims it's worth 100 billions in value. There are others of course.
Again, the only thing Gwgo did since I've been holding is give out 2 forward splits... call it what you want, shareholder value, gifts... it still dilutes the share price.
And yes, the harder challenge is to research about insider trading going on in the time frame of these f/s and r/s.
