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01/03/22 8:24 PM

#59601 RE: running high #59599

This is not true. Most people filling the hospitals and dying are unvaccinated

Wahoo 2

01/03/22 9:26 PM

#59605 RE: running high #59599

You and I agree and probably have come to the same conclusion.

I know many people that have had covid, however, all have had mild cases.


01/04/22 12:40 AM

#59611 RE: running high #59599

Re: I’m curious as to why most people getting Covid and most people dying from Covid are now fully vaccinated?

Actually I’m not curious, I know why. Seems many people need to do some real research. Seek the truth. Even if you don’t want to know it.

Real Research:
Team A: Karina Rohrer-Meck, BSN, RN | Eric Barkley | Lindsay Lin, PhD
Team B: Brad Fox, MD | Joe McNitt

Notice the PhD and MD and not the "tonight on Laura Ingram" or "tonight on Don Lemon" .... To me both sides have an agenda, take half / incomplete truths and wrap their own spin around it to feed it to their respective sheeple...

This is a real time pandemic not historical look-back. Things are very dynamic...

That being said, in general
1) Original Covid - killed crap ton people
2) Vaccine made to protect against original.
3) New variant means nice virus with new behaviors (binding to diff receptors or stronger binding to ACE-2 receptor)
4)If variant binds to diff receptors,
say "ACE-3" or "Beta" receptor...
5) The vaccine (leverages your immune system to make antibodies)...
6) If variant's spike proteins (aka viral receptors) have diff 3d shape, formed by protein folding, which is dictated by viral RNA code, which changes when mutations occur (aka mistakes when enzyme RNA transcriptase does not align correct nucleotide base pairs during RNA transcription and therefore can change shape of viral receptor during 3d protein folding as mentioned above during translation.)
7) Simply put.. think lock and key... If variant is a new "lock", the "key" (antibodies produced by vaccine will NOT WORK, so yes, vaccinated people can get reinfected)

8) the part that is left out is if one has NEVER been infected, your immune system is slow to respond.. If you have already been infected / or vaccinated the "memory" cells of the immune system can mount a faster response, hence less symptoms, less change of hospital visit and ultimately less change of death.. Thats assuming one has a functional immune system... (not immunocompromised)

summary: lots of gray spots the fox and cnn worlds like to keep out as they both love to make generalizations which only serves to keep people debating instead seeking what is true objective vs what is truth (subjective with implicit bias build in)

anywho sorry for the novel

$$$$VXIT$$$$$ is a a goldmine.
JK will deliver imo for all Covid "opinions"