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02/02/07 4:46 PM

#3767 RE: marazul #3756

Well, at least , it was a courteous response. First, there are still some unknowns re the company itself as I expressed in my original e-mail. There is some change in senior management so we have to give the company some time (not too much more) to give an account of themselves - ie., put some meat in the sandwich.

At present all we have is talk enclosed in an empty shell, or. two slices of stale dry bread with nothing between.

I shared with you all a copy of my e-mail in response to their
apologetic e-mail, in which that was inferred.

My theory is based on it possibly being only a shell that could be operated from the kitchen table.

What would the product be? Think! 3 soon to be 6 billion 'shares' of 'promises'

You have seen the average daily trading of these pieces of nothing. The price is so small it would not attract short sellers, and it does not deter thousands of people who like 'lottery tickets' (pieces of hopes and dreams). And they will hold on to those dreams like a child clings to candy.

Now, that's a start. Apply that imagination. How could YOU work it? Get a pen and paper, a cup of coffee, and do some maths. I worked it out as a nice neat business giving me a nice neat $10-20,000 a day (if my maths are correct.)

Do you know, it is said that Picasso always paid by cheque because he found no one cashed them believing that one day his signature on them would be worth more than the amount of the cheque. It is amazing what hope and greed will do.

Think of Uncle Sam and his dollars. He's fine until people outside the US accumulate too many and start returning them from whence they came. As long as they hold on to those trillions of bits of green paper, or pass them between each other, and only return a little at a time all is OK.

However, you have to feed the dreams because when they stop, they become nightmares, and you wake up in a sweat.