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Dragon Lady

12/31/21 12:24 PM

#106494 RE: REAGAN #106493

The power Miguel has over his pennymarks and local south Florida community to invest in this scam is utterly ridiculous. Somebody actually has a buy order in at $0.0055 for 5,638,345 shares…Zero operations and dead as a door nail IR. It is nothing short of a Cult

USRM-a-CON back to being 1/2 CENT DILUTED TRASH - where it belongs until the BK FILING :)

Miguel Mike Michael Tomas has been in charge of this shit show scam for what, ten plus freaking years now as supposed "CEO" and also CFO and COO and any other bullshit fancy title he can bestow on himself LMAO ?

NO real "board of directors" exists at USRM-a-CON - or a CEO who's lost a literal 99.99% of the common share "value" and got their asses sued by not only the FDA but the freaking DOJ and lost and lost big (AND were formally SEC investigated etc) - would have been shit canned 2 years after his honeymoon free ride period playing CEO had ended like 8 yrs ago or whatever it was - ALL the Miguel and Kristy Zoomba spin doctor show and nothing more :)

That = this has been a big ole con job since day one !!

Oh wait - but they're a fantasy "magic stem cell veterinary company" now LMAO !!

Miguel ALONE in a $99 buck a month rent-a-desk and DILUTING THE SHIT OUT OF THIS TOILET PAPER STOCK and a literal $50 buck Wordpress site with nothing but broken links and ZERO products etc = "Our veterinary business subsidiary unit" LMAO (WTF - it's beyond the pale even for the dirty OTC basement pump n cons) !!

Ooops....broken link....broken link....broken link...LMAO !!


WHAT does this POS con job actually "do" as a real, functioning, actual "business" on any given day - WHAT besides endless lawsuits and defaulting on massive loans owed and PAYING A TINY CADRE OF INSIDERS who got filthy wealthy off this con n scam show ?????
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Dragon Lady

01/03/22 9:58 AM

#106495 RE: REAGAN #106493


Looks like the MM's are literally bailing on this SCAM and have let it go to a 50% PLUS SPREAD LMFAO !!!

NOTHING spells OTC CON JOB like a $200 buck "buy" pumping some dog shit scam out 65% on ONE TRADE LOL as the MM's vanish like farts in a CAT-5 hurricane !!

Bid aka REAL PRICE stuck at dog crap .0065

FAKE Ask used to PUMP IT "up" supposed 65% = .099 = OTC CON ALERT !!

WTF legit stock trades at .0065 X .0099 LMAO ???? 50% SPREAD OR MORE WTF ??

2022 and Miguel kicks off USRM-a-CON with a big ole PUMP SCAM PLAY - $200 bucks worth of dog crap on a 100% FAKE ASK "maneuver" !!