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Achilles deFlandres

12/30/21 9:08 AM

#705498 RE: Louie_Louie #705496

Hahhah you could sell BBB t-shirts. What a hoot!
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12/30/21 12:25 PM

#705540 RE: Louie_Louie #705496

Just wondering

Is Social Security Bolshevik and deserves to be killed

Is Medicare Bolshevik and deserves to be killed

Is Unemployment insurance ...

Is workmen's comp Bolshevik

Hey - WHAT ABOTU -- MEDICARE PART D - the Rx I use and love - is that Bolshevik

Or are programs like these (which do not pay for themselves - a myth) better gone --- as are as Bolshevik as most of BBB

Indeed - how about State sponsored College?
Indeed - how about City sponsored Community College
Indeed - indeed - given we all pay for K-12 even if we have no kids or no kids that age anymore - is it Bolshevik

Or are there items - in a community or safety net for a community that are GOOD for all --- but need the collective action
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12/30/21 12:26 PM

#705541 RE: Louie_Louie #705496

what about the R majorities in the past not acting - one bit - that convinces you that THIS time they will act
