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12/26/21 1:56 PM


Metapets has all the makings of a blockbuster no more poopy bags or live pet issues >>> you got to think out of the box on this one and into the future.. I think that's has all the makings of a long-term monster.. but we'll know in 6 months if you should have jumped in but by then it'll be too late of course this is all my opinion don't take any investment advice from me


12/26/21 1:59 PM


I read that on coinmarketcap. No difference than Facemeta when it started and is now dead with very little money coming into it. I have 25 of them now and am being more selective or putting way less into the mega zero ones now. Or won't buy when they are up like I did in Facemeta because they seem to come right back down when the next ones start getting promoted. Still have the most in CRO, FEG, DOGE and SHIB.