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12/23/21 6:57 PM

#14274 RE: Chartmaster #14273

And I would recommend reading "Creating Christ" by Valliant & Fahy as pre-study for watching your show on the History Channel. It offers an intellectual perspective of reason.


12/24/21 12:46 PM

#14300 RE: Chartmaster #14273

Religion and beliefs in god is a mental illness.

Mark Twain

“It's better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than open it and remove all doubt”

If intelligent design existed it would show how dumb god is.

Evangelical christians use quackery scenarios not supported by anyone in the scientific community including christian scientist

Religions only attracts weak minds and is a mental illness. These same people believe in taking snakes, flat earths and the age fo the planet only being 5000 years old.

The leading proponents of ID are associated with the Discovery Institute, a Christian, politically conservative think tank based in the United States

What is intelligent design? A: Intelligent design (ID) is a pseudoscientific set of beliefs based on the notion that life on earth is so complex that it cannot be explained by the scientific theory of evolution and therefore must have been designed by a supernatural entity.

Christopher Hitchens intellectual explains why we are better off with out religion and fake gods.

The fact that the sun and moon are the same apparent size is not something special. When the moon formed it was only 14,000 miles from earth now it is 250,000 miles from earth in the future it will be farther away, so the apparent size is always changing. It just that we live in a time when the apparent size is about equal.

That really makes us sound special, until you realize that:
We have only discovered 786 planets, as of last June.
The observable universe contains between 1022 and 1024 stars (between 10 sextillion and 1 septillion stars).

I'm willing to be that there's probably a couple quadrillion plants out there that we haven't discovered yet (if not more), and the odds are good that some percentage of them will also experience total eclipses, if not something even more interesting.

John Hagee, a mega-church pastor in San Antonio, literally wrote an entire book about lunar eclipses, which he called "blood moons," which supposedly were linked toward catastrophes in history. While he managed to make a lot of money selling his poorly researched tome, in 2015, he invited a Christian astronomer onto a web TV special about it and ended up with egg on his face as the astronomer debunked his ludicrous theories.