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12/17/21 7:15 AM

#159449 RE: 12Retyr #159448

Yep, I saw that, the photo was stolen


12/17/21 7:35 AM

#159450 RE: 12Retyr #159448

#lol. The photo was from someone else dated April 6, 2020.



12/17/21 7:58 AM

#159452 RE: 12Retyr #159448

Please tell me what an article about Cross has to do with VYST lying to their investors and the public?
What does Cross have to do with VYST posting a pic of Abatement Technologies HC800FD stating it was a newer more compact version of the RX3000?
What does Cross have to do with the fact that VYST took that picture from another article about a Wayne Memorial Hospital and tried to pass it off as their own?
Sure everyone can go read the article about Cross. I will even add it to the bottom of this post. How does that excuse VYST for lying to the public and it’s investors? I have no issue showing all the info. I feel all sides of the story should be on the table and open for discussion. I’m not sure how what someone else did or does changes what VYST has done and now has been exposed.
What Cross does or has done has nothing to do with VYST lying to the public and it’s investors period.


12/17/21 9:23 AM

#159456 RE: 12Retyr #159448

Do you mean this link proving the photo used was NOT and RX3000 but was claimed to be by VYST? Here is the actual company and maker of that air purifier Or do you mean this one which is the original article that photo was stolen from in order to deceive shareholders?
What I care about is VYST lying and using a photo of someone else’s air purifier trying to pass it off as an RX3000