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12/16/21 12:48 PM

#43043 RE: XenaLives #43041

Only in the US do they wait for Govt funds

in Europe many utilities are starting already - yes they may get govt money which has been talked about but they are going ahead without that as the commercial opportunity is too good to miss with gas prices rising and electrolysis costs tumbling.

3)Large solar energy companies are not FCEL's market. Public utilities are and they are waiting on government funding.

Good Timer

12/16/21 1:08 PM

#43045 RE: XenaLives #43041

1) If FCEL gave Exxon the exclusive power to negotiate future CC deals with other companies, that would be a fatal mistake. That would help explain the complete lack of adoption of the technology. Hopefully when Exxon finally decides to start negotiating deals they will remember to give FCEL a fair consideration of the revenues...or maybe they won't negotiate at all and just keep FCEL's CC for their own use.

2) If FCEL were actually working on deals, with governments or otherwise, they certainly should have something to report since 9/29/20, which is the last time they announced an actual business development.

3) if public utilities are FCEL's market, where are the deals with them? Remember the Texas blackouts of last winter? The problems were caused by frozen windmills, but was the energy being provided by public utilities through them? That should be a huge market for FCEL to help ensure another catastrophe doesn't happen this year? Where are the deals. If government funding is needed before purchase, maybe FCEL's technology isn't as necessary as we think.

I've been a FCEL investor since it was $4. Held through ups and downs. I hope to see more ups, but feel the company needs to contribute information to make it happen.