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12/15/21 4:26 PM

#135279 RE: Geo2014 #135278

Geo I would simply ask myself this...."Did Titan solely make the decision to expand or did Medtronic have to sign off on this decision"? I know we can all go back and forth on a million different things but just simplify it and ask yourself that. If MDT walks then yes, Titan is in trouble. Maybe ask yourself a couple other questions....Did MDT visit Titan this week to cut ties in person? Why have redacted info and what could it be? My belief is after M4 announcement we are looking at some type of continuation with MDT...What that is exactly I do not know... When will it be announced, I do not know. Fingers crossed for M4 success and I am confident in the rest. Just one mans opinion... My advice is try and not overcomplicate this decision with a ton of other variables. With that said who knows what might happen, earth could get swallowed in a black hole tomorrow... So if responses come up combating this post, you know my stance and I will know yours


12/15/21 4:42 PM

#135280 RE: Geo2014 #135278

For the record Geo, I agree with you about milestone 4. I think we will get a very small bump due to the $11M payment and payoff of the loan which frees us from Medtronic oversight. But it also "frees" us from the Medtronic relationship, so I am predicting a fairly significant dip in price shortly after, as this realization sets in and the anti-Titan-ers declare victory via premature obituaries for Titan Medical as a company. That being said, and based on things I heard and saw including four very experienced robotic surgeons happily testing Enos in the lab, I told my wife to mark the calendar with my prediction of greater than $3 by end of February. Just my best guess at the moment.

I have no reason to believe anything was misrepresented by this new team, as much of what they said was subsequently shown to us in the lab and proven true.

I was never a Randall fan, and I needed confirmation of certain things before passing judgment on Mr. McNally. I now think he contributed well to the advancement of the Enos system but when his focus turned more toward funding and some questionable content in his presentations, I agree it was time for a change but I remain thankful for his earlier contributions.

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Which is why I do not reach out to Titan people anymore. Stephen Randall was a flat-out bull-shytter, and, of course, he is gone with all the rest of’em. I clearly understand the state of things as they are right now. They are dire as I see it. But there are still many unanswered questions. Again, it does not make sense to me that Titan went all out on expansion just a short time ago. Perhaps that is one of the main reasons why McNally was relieved of his duties. He seems to be proficient at making one bad decision after another. And none of us know what was redacted in the MDT agreement. Lots of assumptions but no one truly knows. I do give Mustang credit for actively seeking knowledge. I think he has always been a bit overly optimistic but he does do his homework and he is pro-active. History has shown us over and over that the management of this company lacks transparency - or else they are just extremely incompetent. I believe they purposely mislead. I highly doubt Milestone 4 moves the needle on this much, if at all. It really comes down to what Medtronic is going to do. Most here agree, if the agreement is not extended or an equity stake is not taken, this thing will crash and burn. I am mentally preparing myself for that to happen.