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Dante Fantasia

12/13/21 7:02 PM

#815 RE: PureZoob #813

Now, honestly, IMO, the recent run-up that doubled the sp may have been too much, given the "news" that the pp for 5.5mm was filled, was not "major" news, and much of the upward volume was likely folks like us--already in SX and excited. But, to the market/investors in general who are unfamiliar with SX, the "news" of a filled-pp of 5mm, would not even perk enough interest to begin doing DD on the company. Not "substantive" or "eye-catching" in any respect.

It's also great Sprott took a position--but then again, 1-2mm to Sprott isn't even pocket change.

It was a surprise as well just having a pp--as the AGM led to shareholders under the impression that a pp would not be necessary until the Pilot Plant was to start. True, this was for the Mani exploration project, but nevertheless, seems disingenuous that it was done in such a way. Perhaps it can be chalked off as a "communication" issue, but the onus is on the company to make it clear--heck even the conference call was very unclear w/respect to sound.

Sure, all it would take is one big announcement with known partners (like Alcoa etc) to shoot this up, but one must consider, what if the FS isn't what is hoped and the Plant a no-go? This is not an investment devoid of risk. I really hope the "nickel" they find is not on the sp. Additionally, some who bought into this on the pop to .80 may be way underwater on their shares, and selling due to taking a year-end tax-loss.

I don't know squat about mining companies, but I do about medical/healthcare stocks/companies. One of the big mistakes such companies make over and over again is having the chief medical scientist act as CEO. While geniuses in science, bumble around in their management roles. Is that what we have here...Frank as a mining expert, Enrico as an expert chemist, Duerr as a geologist "entrepreneur" but no personnel that are adept in managing a company, particularly PR?

There's too much potential upside here for me to walk now, and my average is nice and low, so I can handle sticking around. But, again, I have enough right now, and if I am to invest more (though honestly pretty tapped), then they have to do more than Mikey Mikey videos, and get it together with the NR's. And additionally, if they give a time frame for FS results, Pilot Plant decision, Assay results, Aluminium progress, etc, then stick to the timelines or don't give them.

Enough with stupid tweets--Frank needs to be a serious CEO and the tweets make it sound like he's just a noob posting stuff in chat. Am I expecting too much?