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12/10/21 1:35 PM

#393404 RE: Koog #393394

I stand in agreement with you Koog..

Look no further than those who foment the division & hate. You will find them on both sides of the aisle, seemingly beating the hell out of each other but really working together to divide the populace for their own power and money.

And the people who blindly follow them.

And those that dare call for unity over hate, agreement to disagree, respect for all.................................

Our leadership is the problem, not the masses....


12/10/21 2:40 PM

#393411 RE: Koog #393394

Look no further than those who foment the division & hate.

I looked and I found nothing remotely comparable to the 2 month stop the steal bullshit followed by the incitement to insurrection, from the right.

Neither do is see the kind of fomenting we see from Margie, Loren, Gaetz, Jordan, et al, ad nauseum, from the left.

So I'm throwing the false equivalence flag.