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BP Profits

12/08/21 9:07 PM

#30166 RE: BP Profits #30165

A lot of people who sold when GOFF when it went to EM thought the price would tank and that they would be able to get in lower when it became current. They didn’t expect it to open at .75 and settle in the .40s. It’s still 100% to 200% from where they sold, and it’s locked at these levels, which is frustrating for those who want lower prices before the next catalysts.


12/08/21 11:19 PM

#30170 RE: BP Profits #30165

I bought at .07 and didn’t sell a single share when I was up over 1000% briefly on that Monday it went pink current. Why? Because I’m in it for the merger and told myself that from day one. People can do what they want to do, but if I thought $GOFF would never hit .76 again I would have definitely sold - but of course I believe we will not only see .76 again, but multiples of dollars from there - Sharp is getting ready to drop an atomic bomb here folks and people will be wishing they loaded up more down here in the .40’s when $GOFF flies past .76 and onto paper