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12/08/21 7:44 AM

#240714 RE: jbog #240713

Sounds about right. We had a big delta wave in our region Aug/Sept, a little larger than the Dec/Jan wave. Clearly, The vaccine is wearing off and has less efficacy towards the delta variant. More than half of the patients I see and people I know who had Covid-19 in the past 3 months were vaccinated. This contrasts to only one of my patients who had Covid-19 before August who was vaccinated vs many who were unvaccinated. (Caveat to sentences above, some were on immunosuppressants like B cell depleters). Hopefully the booster will change the stats back as the original vaccination's ability to ward off an infection wears off even further. I am recommending it to my patients and I have received it.

To add a few cents to the argument from yesterday. As a subspecialist, I treat people from all backgrounds and ethnicities. Many are poor or working class and some quite wealthy. I ask all in this non-random cohort about vaccination status and recommend the shots to those who are not vaccinated. About 30-35% of my patients are unvaccinated (only 5% of those over age 65). This is better than my county as a whole.
In my experience, the largest number of unvaccinated patients are urban young African Americans (elderly rate near 100%) and the second largest group is young and middle age rural white (elderly rate > 90%). Covod-19 cases over the past 10 months since vaccination, seem to be split by similar rates in my non-random cohort If I assume demographics hold up to past elections, the first group is mostly democrat and the second group is mostly republican. The KFF numbers seem suspect to me (sampling bias?) and their selective interpretation designed to make a statement. I do note they give nearly 100% of their donations to democrat candidates/party.

To avoid clutter, I will make this my only OT Covid post for the month.


12/08/21 8:10 AM

#240715 RE: jbog #240713

Thanks for any and all responses that hopefully benefit others!!

Omicron greatly reduces antibody protection in small study of Pfizer vaccine recipients