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12/08/21 2:19 AM

#30964 RE: Jetfan190 #30963

There is nuffin here butt losses. There is no recourse here. There is only losses.

There is no feasible option other that doing nothing.

The SEC and DOJ wlll have no interest. Any private party civil lawsuit will find very tough sledding and best case if you get a default judgement, there is almost certainly nothing to collect with it.

MICHAEL WARD has a lifetime of experience scamming investors and to my knowledge has never suffered any CONsequences, despite the prior defrauded investors losing as much or more than with MRGE and being as mad or madder than defrauded MRGE shareholder-victims. It is a near certainty that he is judgement-proof in the USA with no assets in his name that can be attached or liened/levied upon.

And sending him flowers has always been a very badd idea. Silly. Creepy.

MICHAEL WARD says goodbye to MRGE and its shareholder-victims - November 2021

In Pennyscamland, hope springs eternal, even when there is none

MRGE was only a mirage

One of the Mexican pipeline permitting officials seems to have missed his meeting with Senor WARD at the cantina again

The only real recourse for MRGE defrauded shareholdervictims