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12/07/21 7:09 AM

#11881 RE: the_hoard #11880

Cytovia, Inc., has no revenue and is out of business. The company considered a spin-off while they were floundering around before the bankruptcy. They were the oncology subsidiary of Immune.

Cytovia Therapeutics is a completely different company that is led by a former CEO of Immune. It has nothing to do with this company whatsoever. On social media for the purpose of pumping this dead stock, you will see claims the 2 are one in the same or that the successful company is going to merge into the dead company and gift their ownership over to the bagholders of Immune. That’s completely false information.

Immune is in Chapter 7 bankruptcy, being liquidated and shut down. The stock is in the process of being revoked by the SEC after a failed pump and dump attempt. That’s all that anyone should need to no.