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12/06/21 5:01 PM

#60402 RE: $Gambler #60401

I don't know about A-Baby's Grade A parties, but AT LEAST this company is GENERATING REVENUES. All of the hype and BS aside, the company is tapped in to a vanity and health market that never sleeps. Rich people want to look good and appear to be healthy, even if they are not. They are trendy and moody - often following the latest craze into oblivion, but . . . along the way they generate followers, wanna be groupees who hang on their every suggestion and insinuation. These groupees want to be seen as "legit" and "fly as hell" so they wear what they are told and buy what is "cool."
And the vanity market is only ONE component of what VITX has tapped into. DNA analytics is here to stay. Covid should have everyone paying attention to the Genetic Engineering companies - what they ARE doing and what they WANT to do. Designer medicine is here to stay. Fast-forward a few decades . . . we will probably have a machine very much like a 3D printer (only with a chemical/pharmacological output) in our homes where we can input a blood sample, saliva sample, stool sample, etc. and have medicine "printed" in our own homes with a few basic chemical feedstocks.

Yeah, we ain't in Kansas any more. It may take a little time for them to right the ship, but IF they play their cards right and align with the right progressives, they will have VITX right there in the Daoist/Transhumanist wheelhouse, offering that elusive, yet seductive thing for which humans have long sought . . . immortality. Anti-aging research, longevity research, immortality research . . . all going on a major universities and research hospitals (and military installations) around the world as we speak. VITX has positioned themselves ahead of the curve to meet a demand that WILL very soon catch up with the innovation they have to offer. Just do your own research on DNA analytics and designer medicine. They don't even have to be hugely successful to get bought out by Big Pharma . . .

Stay tuned.