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12/06/21 12:17 PM


I was on Metamask


12/06/21 2:26 PM


The issue is not MetaMask vs Trust Wallet it is ERC vs BEP. Using Ethereum as a transaction coin right now is going to be expensive with fees.

Trying to buy a bsc chain alt coin with Ethereum is going to be a lesson in high frustration. It is easier and cheaper to just sell the Ethereum, and buy BNB. However, fiat does not transfer as quickly and can take up to 10 days to clear. So, ETH > LTC ... wallet > wallet ... LTC > cash > BNB ... wallet > wallet ... BNB > <swap> > Alt coin.

Binance Smart Chain vs. Ethereum: What's the Difference?

So what's the reason behind BSC's sudden massive growth? A lot of it comes down to faster confirmation times and low fees. The BSC growth might also be related to the growing hype around NFTs and the compatibility with popular crypto wallets, such as Trust Wallet and MetaMask.