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Skinny Mulligan

12/10/21 8:42 PM

#358 RE: 420man #357

Good to see someone actually do something. If you purchased high right before the release you may have basis for a class action lawsuit. The incentive here is if you are the one who files the suit, YOU get a cut of EVERYONE's loss; not just your own. I've been in for a while; I have no standing.

This is also a dilution play. Yes, management of US exchange companies operating in China just ignore (if they are even aware of) management standards. Most of them just view exchanges as free $ they can steal from the rest of the stupid world. They're kinda right. It's the risk you take investing there. Been burned before.

That being said. It looks to me this company could be huge. A bit strange that a charcoal company is now making vehicles. But they are selling what they make in the booming-est economy in the world