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12/01/21 1:52 PM

#71197 RE: Bill2 #71196

You need to go back and read this thread, study the PRs, study CryptoKitties and other NFT games, read the Microbuddies Twitter feed. Do your DD. That said, GMER is poised to be a billion dollar+ company imo.


12/01/21 3:04 PM

#71198 RE: Bill2 #71196

Short answer, you buy microbuddy tokens on When the game launches you can synthesize your token into 1 of 2500 Gen 0 microbuddies to begin the game.

Replicate them using the GOO they earn to make new buddies, buy sell and trade buddies to make a profit in WETH.


12/01/21 3:46 PM

#71199 RE: Bill2 #71196

One of my favorite aspects of this game is that Good Gaming does not collect any information. There is no userID and password to log into the game. The game uses the information from your crypto wallet to see what microbuddies you own and their respective goo balance.

Once launched, there are a few different pages you can visit for the game. The replicator, the genetic recombobulator (GRC), the goo extractor, etc. Each time you load the desired page, the site is reviewing your wallet and loading the page accordingly.

Once you have replicated a microbuddy, you can then sell the replicated microbuddy on the market to someone else who wants to play the game but did not have the opportunity to purchase a gen0 or keep it an replicate it again.

I have been playing the betas since day one of release and can tell that there are many different ways to play, each one dependent on the player either wanting to keep replicating in an attempt to get a rare or better microbuddy to those that are going to just be replicating and selling on the market. I will be a little of both :-)


12/01/21 6:39 PM

#71203 RE: Bill2 #71196

Follow these links about MicroBuddies:

You can watch Master Strategy Guide EP 1: