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11/30/21 4:54 PM

#702728 RE: ZZ Fannie #702716

I never tire of saying this. The Supreme court decision WAS a REMAND. A remand is NOT final. It means the decision is sent back to the lower courts with instructions from Scotus to readjuticate their decision consistent with Scotus Opinion.

This is not over. (If I recall, attorney Thompson sent the letter to the Federal Circuit..handling the remand).


11/30/21 6:24 PM

#702760 RE: ZZ Fannie #702716

FK SCOTUS they are a bunch of criminals who swore to uphold the US Constitutional law. Yet they ruled against the Constitution. What kind of justice is that? They do not get to pick and chose which Constitutional law they are going to uphold. What a bunch of paid criminal Justices. I wish they were not there for life, so we could replace them with honest people of integrity that uphold the US Constitutional Law.


11/30/21 6:26 PM

#702762 RE: ZZ Fannie #702716

Dont get me started. I am just getting fed up with all these criminal/crooks in Government positions. They are supposed to work for us and not rip us off. What happened to the land of free and the home of the brave with equal justice for all? Where did that go?


11/30/21 6:32 PM

#702765 RE: ZZ Fannie #702716

The only problem is that he indicated they'd sell common shares for zillions... which would be a problem since they don't own any shares. Would have to take them to sell them and that would cause more lawsuits for taking them.

I'd just rather they cut them loose.

Also, what i don't understand is that even with just two years left and ability to actually have done something with seemingly why a munuchin fhfa director, they wouldn't have made it happen.

good grief...

just get it done!

I'll love to have the $150 a share price.... now!