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12/01/21 2:00 PM

#106848 RE: Ryan8 #106805



Actual DSCR incriminating quote and blatant lie from 5/11/2021 issued press release from company.

"...The Discovery Minerals Coin ("DSC") is what is known as a Tethered Coin, whereby once fully distributed DSC will have a total of 2,100 Bitcoin, 2,100 Ethereum, 2,100 ounces of Gold, and 2,100 ounces of silver "backing" the coin..."

DSCR does not have 2,100 Etherereum, 2,100 Bitcoin, 2,100 ounces of Gold and Silver, or the net worth of more than $100,000,000, to even remotely back this outlandish claim. This is the reason the company has gone "turtle mode" and has hidden from ANY official responce to this mentioned concern, going on 12 weeks now.

Source of LIE

These individual are committing a crime and when you are ready to see justice, file complaint. These people need to see the inside of a courtroom, and to answer for their blatant string of deceit and lies, everyone of them, including the promoters carrying the lie at the detrement of the minority shareholders.

1. 12 weeks since delisting, and not 1 new disclosure document filed by company. To remedy the obvious questions that are preventing it from going Pink, DSCR owes DISCLOSURE DOCUMENTS, that is has been negligent in providing.

2. The most glaring problem wih the previous financials is the $2,500,000 in revenue omitted from the mandatory 6/30/2021 FILED OTC Markets mandatory reports.

3. Both previous lawyers associated with DSCR resigned after delisting to expert markek in September. Meaning new counsel has no idea what DSCR has done. Will take months and $$$ to get new SEC counsel up to speed.

4. 9/30/2021 is DSCR fiscal year, meaning next report due, is not till January 2022, with extension available via a NT filing until 2/15/2022. This annual report will require legal opinion and detailed disclosures.

5. DSCR is classified as a SHELL RISK, this alone with the new PINK rule change poses a whole new and additional set of propblems that the board and company are completely ignoring.

6. DSCR is selectively communicating with members on this board (who cut, paste, and post). This practice is in violation of Regulation FD and can be construed in a worse context as insider trading.

Either way a public company DOES not communicate NON PUBLIC INFORMATION to select shareholders like "FREZ". The proper form of communication is an issued press release from the issuer.

12 weeks and no action = a SEC Suspension under Section 12(K) is more likely than DSCR being current.

When you are ready to see justice

When you want to learn more about SEC Suspensions

When you want to learn more about the Coin Sale

1.Press Release

2. Etherscan proof of DSC COin Sale and concealment of this by DSCR's management.

3. Mandatory OTC Report DSCR concealed the $2,538,000 made from the DSC Coin Sale in #2 above.

Page 22 SMOKING GUN This proves mangement state of mind, known as scienter, when they purposley concealed any knowledge or involement with the DSC Coin sale.

"...Note 8 – Subsequent Events

Management has evaluated subsequent events pursuant to the requirements of ASC Topic 855 after the balance sheet date through the date the financial statements were issued.

The Company did not identify any additional material events or transactions occurring during this subsequent event reporting period that required further recognition or disclosure in these financial statements..."

Due your homework, this company is concealing crimnal activity that has been discovered and discussed on this board.

It is why the SEC will suspend this, because what we know on this board is consideed a "selective group" of shareholders. Without a press release from company and or NEW disclosure documents, we as selective shareholders have inside information that the rest of the investing public does not.

Not a question of IF it will get suspended, just a matter of WHEN.