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11/30/21 11:54 PM

#9307 RE: Vintage1776 #9295

Thanks for your interest !!! .....

Just reviewed the entire 3:29 "Money Master's" documentary once more and enjoyed all of it ..... getting a bit more insight during the last 30 minutes ..... when discussing potential solutions ..... though dated from 1996 !!! .....

People easily forget the "Colonial paper Scrip" during the days of Ben Franklin worked very well balancing Colonist trade needs without interest burden's until England made it illegal ..... which apparently precipitated the "War for Independence" .....

"Fractional Reserve Banking" appears to be the primary catalyst toward fiscal debt-driven despair and eternal slavery of the masses ..... as far as I can tell !!! ..... I find no other way to interpret the "dark" consequences !!! ..... unless "some smart" person might have a practical viable solution !!! .....

While Lincoln's greenbacks worked well during the Civil War to pay soldiers and keep the economy running interest free !!! ..... though Central Bankers hated the greenback's for obvious reasons !!! ..... No profit for them !!! .....

Plus I had forgotten about King Henry the 8'ths brilliant monetary concept of the "tally-sticks" which allegedly worked well as money for better than 750 years since taxes were required to be paid with the polished wooden notched sticks split down the middle ..... I recall that enters the story at about minute 20 ....

"Money Master's" documentary rich with historical quotes by numerous Republican's ..... like Congressman Lindbergh and Barry Goldwater along with numerous others .....

I need to go deeper into the link you suggested !!! ..... Thanks !!!

Best Wishes