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11/30/21 8:20 AM

#161982 RE: KLee #161980

We got our wish KLee. Sounds like Marcel isn't the best with investor relations, and Nicholas Sprung is stepping in to fill that void in the USA. He's a common stock holder just like the rest of us, and he's gonna finally give investors what we need. Better communication.


11/30/21 8:47 AM

#161984 RE: KLee #161980

I agree that it would show sloppy management but also remember, the SS isn't the best right now. Look at the chart from February till now. It isn't pretty and I blame it solely on the SS. Especially with the amount of good news they have shared. It doesn't make sense.

We should not be where we are with the numbers they have released. If they could get the SS down then we would be in a better place. (Well, new shareholders coming in, because we all know a RS will kill current share holders)

I'm just speculating at this point, there is just too many shares out there to be able to sustain .01

Will it be easier once the Audits are published, sure. But we have yet to see that happen.

I was never the type to hype up a stock, i'd rather be surprised than heartbroken.

I also went against my trading strategy with this one. I never hold OTC stocks LONG. 99% of them never maintain a run. Get in/Get out. If I did that here I would have been golden. But right now I can't even justify to myself to average down until management does something. I'm not good at catching the bottom, so I wait.