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11/29/21 9:51 PM

#348956 RE: trendzone #348955

They all are traders if they would have that kind of insight they would be managing big money not dependent on TV job. every coin toss has 50% chance of winning. Grues come and go market keep propelling there is a continuous stream of money in stocks through 401, 403, and pension plans with limited amount of stocks so bias is mostly up. Where they could invest with 1.5 % for 10 year bond? Inflation will eat them alive. Housing and real estate have seen first ever such kind of crisis that renters not paying, office buildings are empties. Yes correction or rotation will keep happening it is part of the game, always keep some powder dry, invest or trade wisely do not take margin in uncertain markets so you could hold position in draw down, it will come back it always had.One more thing keep your trading simple.
I do miss NetNe, I hope and pray he is well.
Good luck and happy trading.


11/29/21 10:09 PM

#348957 RE: trendzone #348955

FYI agreed I would like to see breadth spread out some here but not a requirement. Have been hearing about and noticing the bad breath for some time now as the market motors higher.