Awesome info.. that sums up entire evolution and future direction of company.
Thank you for taking the time to do that.. is quite a read on $BODY
I mean judge all things from this perspective. Fitness is not a game Online shopping is something else / financial services is neither .. so all have their own specific rewards vs engagements systems in place.. offered to participants.
while I am not entirely sold on where this metaverse wants to take humanity as a whole in the future, fact is monetizing digital world would demand consumers to spend money twice.
on Themselves and in the Cloud?
Last time I check dreaming was still free, real time consciousness interaction is available for those who are masters of themselves. But that's another story.
Imo Beachbody is standing at the confluence of taking care of the bodies, real bodies, focusing on health/ fitness and well being of an individual self not only the avatar, while maintaining a tech forward approach to it.
Can a human only consume bits and dots., discounting all else? I truly doubt it!
Nevertheless Meta is here and FB is not even the main player.. is just one that came to the show calling it names.. aka Meta, but not the true pioneer, as he want to imply
How Mark Zuckerberg's Meta Already Lost The Metaverse