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11/23/21 2:21 PM

#2038 RE: 20stockman20 #2037

Well then you aren’t looking at any other ticker in the otc. Because all of them have been collectively driven down
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11/24/21 3:09 PM

#2041 RE: 20stockman20 #2037

when the reserves are gone and we are being held hostage to OPEC

Exactly. All these microcap O&G are going to be The Star(s) of the Show, just as they were in the late 70's / early 80's.

The incremental revenue from each workover brought back into production will quickly become exponential.
And they've got a great location for new development drilling, as well.

At the current price, just throw your "spare change" at it and watch your Share count pile up.
Then start planning your ZIP Code movin'-on-up as you watch the Share price movin'-on-up.