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11/22/21 5:41 PM

#4014 RE: steel8000 #4013

52 weeks X 500,000 shares per week = 26,000,000 share a year X $.30 = $7,800,000 A YEAR..... A lot of that Dilution was done at $.60 also


12/05/21 8:15 AM

#4049 RE: steel8000 #4013

As I complained about the Dilution pump on, I figured I would give you an update. Maybe this is why your seeing the price go up... Wasn't bashing the stock, just full disclosure. Will look to start a position

Old OS: 237,809,723 11/19/2021 Rest. 135,079,280 11/19/2021 Unrest. 102,730,443 11/19/2021
New OS: 237,909,723 12/03/2021 Rest. 135,179,280 12/03/2021 Unrest. 102,730,443 12/03/2021