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11/22/21 3:08 PM

#196 RE: Jim Paul #195

I can't blame you at all, Jim. I hope you were able to exit at a profit. The stock did reach high this year; albeit with a high spread.

They are delinquent in their filings now. Very, very late on the 10K and not even a filing to say it's late. Which makes you wonder, did he abandon it all together? I just don't know.

My only reason for buying is the low float and the fact that he spent a lot of his own money to keep the lights on here. Filing costs money and he or they have been bleeding. I'm sure Covid through a wrench into their travel ambitions since it was supposed to some kind of travel related company. High tensions between the US and China probably doesn't help either.

I don't know if they are still trying or not. 10K's are the hard ones. Or maybe somebody else will come along eventually. I just don't know. I just like the capital structure as it is right now, and that's all I know.