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01/11/22 12:16 PM

#3987 RE: NYBob #3983

Decarbonization TERRAFORMING of planet Earth is now under way… giant machines to be installed in Iowa to suck “life molecules” out of the atmosphere and cause global crops to FAIL

Farmland is already being seized in Iowa via eminent domain to build the mechanical infrastructure that will render Earth’s atmosphere inhospitable to plant life, animal life and human life, if it is allowed to continue to operate.

This is all being done under the guise of climate change. WHY is this being done?

Do those believing in climate change as a major threat not understand science and why this is a bad thing?

Has the entire world been bitten by mass psychosis?

Shockingly, no local media outlets bother to tell farmers that CO2 is the single most important molecule for plant growth. Globalists are literally seizing farmers’ land to erect a terraforming infrastructure that will ultimately make crops nearly impossible to grow.

This is an irrefutable scientific fact. It’s all confirmed in the process of photosynthesis

Is Mr Fauci finally being called to task for his misdeeds as a way to keep eyes off this venture?