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Dragon Lady

11/19/21 9:37 AM

#106451 RE: REAGAN #106450


Look at this bullshit - another SCAM "STEM CLINIC" did the EXACT same thing Comella and Miguel and crew did and INJECTED SOME ELDER LADY IN HER EYES and blew out her eyeballs and left her BLIND.....

That sham "clinic" in Espanol and this ass clown "doctor" Skupin con man is getting their ass sued off now in a civil suit...but I still say - "SOMEONE" will go to prison before this kind of shit is all said and done....I have the "word on the street" on that fact...:)

And dig this - this latest BUTCHERED VICTIM traveled from freaking MA all the way to FL to get "wrist injections of stem cell crap for arthritis" - AS SHE IS AT THE MOTHER STEM SCAM CLINIC she mentions, "Yeah, I have some eye problems" blah blah.


THAT SCAM in Coral Gables FL - a stone's throw from USRM-a-CON !!

The JACK F "doctor" aka Josef Mengele Hitler human experimentation criminal - he says, "HEY, we'll offer you a freebie and shoot them eyeballs full of magic stem cell goo for you" blah blah.

The butchers victim, she within hours told them "MY EYE IS IN BAD PAIN - something isn't right" here blah blah.

She got the COMELLA SPECIAL "treatment" of PUT SOME ICE ON IT and TAKE A TYLENOL we're cutting you loose - see ya and good luck.

She heads back home to MA and lands in a REAL HOSPITAL and ER who tell her the grim news that at least one eye is BLOWN APART w/ massive retinal detachment and profuse internal eye bleeding etc (EXACTLY WHAT USRM-a-CON and Comella the butcher did !!) and that you're blind for sure in that eye now and the other is iffy - you got butchered.....

She's suing their ass off now, this "Mother Cell" con man and criminal fraud - and HE IS PART OF THE CELL SURGICAL NETWORK aka Mark Berman and crew who's PARALLEL DOJ-FDA CASE to the USRM PERMANENT INJUNCTION CASE has their case PENDING RIGHT NOW IN CA before judge Jesus Bernal - like this is going to help them and ALL these scam CASH n CARRY fraud "clinics" - WTF ??????

SHOOTING HER EYES FULL OF STEM CELL GOO and the "doctor" had ZERO training as an eye doctor or eye specialist and CUT HER LOOSE and kicked her to the curb when she was reporting a SERIOUS ADVERSE MEDICAL EVEN to him and this shit hole "clinic" !!!

Dragon Lady

11/19/21 10:06 AM

#106452 RE: REAGAN #106450


WE KNOW from that last 10-Q LOSS and SPENDING and DILUTION and almost NO REVENUES REPORT that Miguel is in "DESPERATION CASH-RAISE MODE" aka DILUTION MODE freaking again - and bigly this time !!

Gonna be a HELL OF A LOT of dilution trash shares getting DUMPED HERE to pay the bills and raise the cash for ALL THE DEBTOR IN DEFAULT BILLS THEY OWE and LAWSUITS THEY OWE TO LONG TERM DEBTORS suing their ass, etc IMO :)

This is a DUMPSTER FIRE IN THE MAKING - last support on this POS per a stock chart is DOWN DOWN DOWN at like .005 or BELOW THAT EVEN LMAO !!

Looooong ways to DROP n DUMP here on this POS :)