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11/16/21 10:44 PM

#60383 RE: Bud-Wiser #60382

anybody that sees this as negative needs to go to a stock with a CEO that lies and sells shares in back alley deals for half price. Dilution after dilution.

I am sticking with a ticker that has a chance to grow once the pandemic is in check and supply chain is back in track, it was only a year ago when stadiums and golf tournaments were empty but they came back the fans came back so will the normal flow of supply chain.

I am adding to my position and hold for that date in the future.


11/16/21 11:25 PM

#60384 RE: Bud-Wiser #60382

how can people miss the good stuff:

Gross profits saw a slight drop to 63% (1.5% less than Q2), which is composed of two major contributing

63% margins and that is after being down 1.5% like I said it will not take much to be in huge cash position soon enough.


01/31/22 8:34 AM

#60604 RE: Bud-Wiser #60382

Any update on the MSMY handshake ?? Shocker...MSMY doesn't have the money to draw up any documents or the "portion acquisition"
ANOTHER misleading statement by CEO ;-)

The discussions took much longer than initially thought and are currently approved on a good faith handshake while both companies draw up contracts with clearly defined language to ensure a solid foundation for growth. With the holidays almost here and end of year right behind that, both Mr. Padrol and myself are estimating everything should be ready to move forward with signing & company integrations by the end of January 2022.